Sunday September 14th, 2014 – McKee Farms Park
Join Team Supreme for the 4th Annual Walk for Wishes Madison. Help make wishes come true by participating in the 5K, one-mile or two-mile walk, run, wheelchair race, kids’ dash and family fun day.
In celebration of Make-A-Wish Wisconsin’s 30th Birthday, all registration fees will be waived. We simply ask that you raise pledges through your friends, family and co-workers to help grant magical wishes to Wisconsin children with life-threatening medical conditions. Great prizes for timed races’ age group winners!
In order to receive a walk t-shirt, each participant must raise $50 or more. The more pledges we raise, the more wishes we can grant! You can make the difference!
Join Team Supreme Today!
Visit the Team Supreme Website

Make-A-Wish Walk and Run for Wishes 2012
8:30AM Registration opens
9:30AM Opening ceremonies
10:00AM Kids’ Dash
10:30AM Walk, Run & Wheelchair race start
11:30AM Closing ceremonies 9/14/2014
Timed Run: No Fees
Timed 5K run (includes time chip)
Adult Entry: No Fees
Non-timed Event (walkers & fun-runners)
Child Entry: No Fees
Non-timed Event (walkers & fun-runners)
Walk & Run for Wishes 2012
Make-A-Wish® Wisconsin has been holding Walk & Run for Wishes in Milwaukee since 1988 and launched its first Madison event in 2011. Last year, nearly 600 participants walked, ran and wheelchair raced at Walk & Run for Wishes Madison, raising nearly $50,000 to help grant wishes locally. Join us at a new location in McKee Farms Park in Fitchburg for Walk for Wishes 2014.
Make-A-Wish Wisconsin grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.